We’ve talked before about why it’s important to rekey your locks when you move into a new house. But there are a couple more times when it’s equally important to use our locksmith services in Slidell to protect your safety…

When your hired help changes – You might give access to your home to a cleaning company, nanny, babysitter, or any number of other service companies. Now, first of all, if they regularly come into your home, they definitely made a spare…as an employee, they wouldn’t want to look bad if they lost the key you entrusted to them.

When you change services, there are three possible ways they left: they liked you, they hated you, or they left pretending to like you while secretly hating you. Two of these situations lead to a person you don’t want having a key to your home! Especially when they know the exact layout of your home and where the valuables are. Our locksmith services can fix things quickly and affordably.

After a breakup – Not every relationship ends well, so it’s important to have your locks rekeyed after someone who had keys moves out permanently. Even if you got the key back from them, rekey your home…whether innocently or maliciously, your ex probably made a spare. If the situation is really bad, we’ll be your emergency locksmith and be there in a flash.

Remember, if there’s no sign of forced entry, it’s a lot harder to get an insurance company to pay. The good thing is, our locksmith service that can give you peace of mind and increase the safety to your home and possessions. Give us a call today!