Locked keys in a car? Where are you?You know what they say…if you’ve never locked your keys in the car, then you must not own a car! It happens to everyone eventually. So where are the most common places that we meet people when they need lockout service?

Shopping Centers: Whether it’s the parking lot of a grocery store or big box store store, people are always locking themselves out of their cars. They can do it when they’re heading in, maybe because they forgot their shipping list on the center console, reached back in to grab it, and dropped their keys into the seat. Or it might happen when they’re bringing bags back out to trunk…their keys are in their hand, the bags and the keys go in the trunk, and the trunk closes. Suddenly they need an emergency locksmith like Pop-A-Lock Slidell.

Work: Since many of us spend five days a work and forty or more hours at work, it makes sense that a lot of the time we’re called to a car owner’s place of business when they’re locked out of their car. It’s often because there’s something on their minds (maybe an upcoming meeting) or they’re fumbling with many things at once (like a briefcase, lunch, and coffee).

Roadside: When people are in need of emergency roadside assistance, they’re often not quite in their right minds.Their thoughts of “being there in a few minutes” have now been replaced with “oh no my car is broke and now I’m late.” So when people are in this mindset, they’re more likely to make a mistake like locking their keys in their car.

On top of that, if it’s battery-related the chances go up even higher. When you mess with a battery, it’s more likely that the doors will inadvertently lock. If keys are left in the car, they might be trapped.

Home: You spend a lot of your life at home…after all, you’re not always heading out to the same place, but you’re always coming back home. So it’s just natural that an auto locksmith would be called to a home more than any other place. Add kids playing in a car while it’s in the garage, and you’re more likely to get locked out of a car.

It’s going to happen, so when it does give Pop-A-Lock a call. In fact, put us in your cell phone right now: 888-680-1579