dreamstime_xxl_9892441One in three Americans has listened to podcasts, so we feel perfectly at ease suggesting one to you. (And for those not in the know, a podcast is like pre-recorded radio programs for the internet.) The one we’re recommending is an episode of 99% Invisible that has an excellent history of locks and how they have been defeated over the years. While you might think of locks as a dry subject, we’re sure you’ll be captivated by the style of the show and the interesting history within.

This episode highlights a relatively long time between 1777 and 1851 when locks were literally undefeatable. For that amount of time, a $20,000 reward was offered if anyone could crack it. Once it was defeated in 1851, having a lock on your door no longer offered the security that had once been attained.

So what about today? We have regained “perfect security” today, haven’t we? After all, technology has come so far in the past 150 years. Well, we’re here to tell you…no, there is no perfect security. And we’re here to tell you that that’s a good thing.

It allows us to help you: Imagine a perfect lock on our house. Now imagine that you lose your keys. The only way you’re going to get in now is to break something…your door or your window. Same with your car. Because locks can be picked by yours truly, we’re able to help you out of a jam when you’ve lost your keys or one breaks off inside the lock.

It kind of restores your faith in society: Locks can be defeated. Again, that can be a good thing when you need help. But isn’t it amazing that there aren’t more burglaries? Putting a simple lock between you and the rest of the world shows just how much we trust each other, especially in the suburbs.

At the same time, we’d still suggest the best possible locks you can get for sensitive areas like your house and business doors. Unlicensed use of lock picking equipment is a felony in Louisiana, but that doesn’t mean that someone won’t try. Putting the best possible lock between them and your valuables is always a good idea.

Interesting in new locks, or getting your old ones rekeyed? Give Pop-A-Lock a call today!